
User icon André Avorio
25 April 2022
11 items

Indology or Indian studies or South Asian studies is the academic study of the history and cultures, languages, and literature of the Indian subcontinent, and as such is a subset of Asian studies. The term Indology (in German, Indologie) is often associated with German scholarship, and is used more commonly in departmental titles in German and continental European universities than in the anglophone academy. In the Netherlands, the term Indologie was used to designate the study of Indian history and culture in preparation for colonial service in the Dutch East Indies.

Indian Research Institute · 1950 English

The leading events in the political history of India are no doubt concerned with some major ruling dynasties like the Mauryas Stnigas the Neo-Mitras the Bactrian Greeks the Scythians the …

Bombay Historical Society · 1949 English

The picture of a revolution in education to he wrought out in a free India with the complete abandonment of the present system is constantly held up before the public …

unknown · 1939 English

The general contents of these letters betray the fact that Tippu who was harassed by three enemies— the Mahrattas the English and the Nizam wanted the srfigeri svämi to peform …

1939 English

The Karnatak Printing Press lost no time in composing the entire matter of the Volume in an efficient elegant and expeditious manner in spite of the complicated nature of printing …

1941 English

John of the Cross " and slaying dost from death to life translate." At the same time the true way of " escape" is by far more strenuous than the …

1939 English

What is the linguistic meaning of Märkandeya's rule ? And before all which are the endings named by him ? -jjahi is as known one of the enings of the …

1939 English

In spite of this threefold combination the later Jaina texts3 use the words parikara as connoting the entire piece surrounding an image toravN referring to the arch-like portion of the …

1939 English

938." THE AUTHORSHIP AND DATE OF THE MRCCHAKATIKA1 By R. D. KARMARKAR The only information that we have about the author of the Mrcchkatika is found in the Prologue (Stanzas …

1939 English

It gives a picture of the caves and creeks that once existed in the principal part of the city of Vijayanagara supplies the date of Ram Raja's death and narrates …

1939 English

This very close adherence to the original construction together with the inflectional poverty of the Pahlavi language and the use of transcriptions in the case of obscure Avestan words enhances …