cover image: New Indian Antiquary. 1940-41 April 1940 to March 1041

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New Indian Antiquary. 1940-41 April 1940 to March 1041


John of the Cross " and slaying dost from death to life translate." At the same time the true way of " escape" is by far more strenuous than the life that is escaped (hence the designation of the religious in India as a "Toiler" gramana) and it is the degree of a man's maturity (in Skr. [...] 455-6).18 The outlines of the universal doctrine of self-naughting and of selsacrifice or devotion in the most literal sense of the words having been drawn above we propose to devote the remainder of our demonstration to its specfically Buddhist formulation in terms of iikirhcaffidyatana " the station of no-what-ness" or more freely " the Cell of Self-naughting". [...] The last is spoken in the Buddha's physical presence and corresponds to the well known text of the Vairacchedika Sutra "Those who see me in the body (rdpena) or think of me in words their way of thinking is mistaken they do not see me at all ; the Blessed Ones are to be seen only in the Body of the Law the Buddha can only be rightly understood as the Principle of the Law assuredly not by any [...] I. 149 ) in other words the " great self " (mahatta) or the " petty" (apptitumo) of A. I. 249 the " Self that is Lord of self " or the " self whose Lord is the Self " of Dh. [...] 27 " One whose self is cofounded by the concept of an ' I ' imagines that ' I am the doer ' " and V. 8 where the Comprehensor does not think of " himself as the doer of anything " the word for " doer " kartr meaning equally " maker " or " creator " ; cf.
Published in
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iv S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Akimcanna : Self-Naughting
1-16 Ananda Coomaraswamy view
Expansion of Buddhism in India and Abroad
17-28 Bimala Law view
Yasna Ha XI.—Hom Yast
29-31 Maneck Kanga view
32-46 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
47-48 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Non-Rgvedic Mantras Rubricated in the Asvalayana-Grhya-Sutra : Their Sources and Interpretation
49-61 V. M. Apte view
Jnanaghana Pujyapada
62-72 E. P. Radhakrishnan view
73-75 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
76-80 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Hari Kavi’s Contribution to the Problem of the Bhavani Sword of Shivaji the Great
81-100 P. K. Gode view
Non-Rgvedic Mantras Rubricated in the Asvalayana-Grhya-Sutra : their Sources and Interpretation
101-110 V. M. Apte view
Inscriptions of Kathiawad
111-127 D. B. Diksalker view
Notes of the Month
128-128 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
A-I. Urnavabhi “ Spinne ”
129-131 Albert Debrunner view
Ancient Indian History and Research Work
132-143 P. C. Divanji view
Non-Rgvedic Mantras Rubricated in the Asvalayana-Grhya-Sutra : Their Sources and Interpretation
144-155 V. M. Apte view
A Note on Two Hoards of Punch-Marked Coins Found at Taxila
156-159 D. D. Kosambi view
Notes of the Month
160-160 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Ancient Indian History and Research Work
161-170 P. C. Divanji view
Non-Rgvedic Mantras Rubricated in the Asvalayana-Grhya-Sutra : their Sources and Interpretation
171-182 V. M. Apte view
The Late Mr. Jogendra Chandra Ghose
183-185 N. C. Ghosh view
186-192 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Inscriptions of Kathiawad
193-210 D. B. Diskalkar view
Non-Rgvedic Mantras Rubricated in the Asvalayana-Grhya-Sutra : their Sources and Interpretation
211-222 V. M. Apte view
223-224 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Sur Les Infinitifs Vediques En Ase
225-231 Louis Renou view
A Sanskrit Index to the Chandogya Upanisad
232-234 E. G. Carpani view
Non-Rgvedic Mantras Rubricated in the Asvalayana-Grhya-Sutra : their Sources and Interpretation
235-243 V. M. Apte view
The Epoch of the So-Called Harsha Era
244-256 Dhirendra Mookerjee view
Some Rare Portraits and Waslis
257-265 Hirananda Sastri view
Juxtaposition Et Composition Dans Le Rgveda
266-272 Louis Renou view
Inscriptions of Kathiawad
273-288 D. B. Diskalkar view
Post-Vyasaraya Commentators (Non-Polemical)
289-298 B. N. Sarma view
Indology in Current Literature
299-306 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Cakra Vartin
307-321 K. A. Sastri view
Eighteenth-Century Malayalam Prose Written by Christians
322-337 L. V. Aiyar view
Inscriptions of Kathiawad
338-354 D. B. Diskalkar view
Paramarthasara of Adisesa
355-370 S. S. Sastri view
Inscriptions of Kathiawad
371-382 D. B. Diskalkar view
Indo-European Gm -Sko Or Gm-Skho?
383-386 Siddheshwara Varma view
Eighteenth-Century Malayalam Prose Written by Christians
387-397 L. V. Aiyar view
Inscriptions of Kathiawad
398-410 D. B. Diskalkar view
411-414 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
415-418 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
The Epoch of the Gupta Era
419-428 K. G. Sankar view
Eighteenth-Century Malayalam Prose Written by Christians
429-436 L. V. Aiyar view
437-440 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
441-444 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
445-445 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
Notes of the Month
446-448 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view
449-461 S. M. Katre, P. K. Gode view

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