cover image: New Indian Antiquary. August 1939


New Indian Antiquary. August 1939


The general contents of these letters betray the fact that Tippu who was harassed by three enemies— the Mahrattas the English and the Nizam wanted the srfigeri svämi to peform religious ceremonies with a view to the destruction of the enemies and for the welfare of their country. [...] On the other hand the reference to the literary diction of the Gauclas3 which won for itself the distinctive designation of the Gaudi Riti furnishes a good ground for the inference of a lost Ganda literature which received rcognition as early as the 8th century A. D. from the theorists but over the merits of which they entertained a frank difference of opinion. [...] The Bangad Coper-plate grant2 of Mahip&la I mentions the study of Viijasaneyi-Samhild Mimarnsa Vyakarana and Tarka while proficiency in the gruti and Smrti and in the Kauthuma recension of the Sämaveda is respectively referred to in Kamauli Copper-plate3 of Vaidyadeva and they Manhali Copper-plate of Mdanapala.4 The colophon to the Hari-carita kavya of Caturbhuja states that the Varendra [...] which deals with the well known episode of the Virdta-parvan of the Maheibhärata; but the simple and vigorous story of the epic is transformed into a pedantic means for the display of the author's skill and learning in the manipulation of the language for the ingenious use of double meanings (Slesa) and clever chimings (yamka). [...] The author of the °Katitii-sdra informs us that his fifth ancestor Saktisvamin flourished under Muktairda of the Karkota dynasty of Kashmir towards the end of the 7th and the first half of the 8th century ; and as the poet Abhnanda son of Jayanta is mentioned and quoted by the Kashmirian Abhin1vgupta4 towards the end of 10th century his date may be fixed at about the first half of the
humanities general
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
Sultans of Mysore and the Srngeri Mutt
255-257 V.R. Dikshitar view
A Short Account of an Unpublished Romantic Masnavī of Amir Hasan Dihlavī
258-262 M.I. Borah view
Sanskrit Literature Under the Pala Kings of Bengal
263-282 S.K. De view
A Note on a Unique Image of Yama
283-i A.S. Gadre view
Yogavāsistha on the Means of Proof
285-295 P.C. Divanji view
Names of Prakrit Languages
296-301 s.M. Katre view
Hindu Puranas Their Age & Value
302-306 Bisheshwar Reu view
Some Phonetic Tendencies in Tamil
307-310 A. Chettiar view
Newly Discovered Durga-Patha Miniatures of the Gujarati School of Painting
311-316 M.R. Majmudar view
Identity in Difference in Some Vedantic Systems
317-331 P.T. Raju view
The Kalita Caste of Assam
332-339 B. Kakati view
Notes of the Month
340-340 unknown view

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