cover image: The Indian Archives  July 1947


The Indian Archives July 1947


The map shows carefully plotted lines of theodolite survey with note ' Plotted and Sketched under the direction of the Collector by Alexander Wyatt apprentice.' There is another note at the east end of the foothills ' This Survey was not carried to the foot of these hills by reason of the thickness of the Jungle. [...] While the difference in regard to the first law was traceable to the difference in the value and status attached to books and public records viewed as physical commodities the difference in regard to the second law is traceable to the difference in the origin of the thought-content of books and public records and the possible users. [...] So far the consequences of a change of sovereignty for the archives seem to be obvious: the archives share the fate of the territory; the records follow the flag. [...] During this early period of the formation of the state and of the history of archives the successor state could not be interested in getting the administrative records of the annexed territory because administration in the sense of a continuous action of the government did not exist. [...] In many respects the different provinces enjoyed a considerable degree of independent life and the records of the provincial authorities would tell the story so completely that in case of annexation the acquiring state would not need to claim the records from the central authorities of the cessionary.

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii J. C. M. Gardner, G. L. Chopra view
Editors’ Note
191-192 J. C. M. Gardner, G. L. Chopra view
The Archives Department of the National Palace Museum of Peiping
193-197 J. C. M. Gardner, G. L. Chopra view
Historical Maps of the Survey of India
198-205 R. H. Phillimore view
Laws of Archival Science
206-212 S. R. Ranganathan view
Virginia State Library
213-xi S. Chakravorti view
Effects of Changes of Sovereignty on Archives
217-229 Ernst Posner view
The Durability of Paper
230-232 Gunther Reichardt view
Notes and Correspondence
233-235 J. C. M. Gardner, G. L. Chopra view
News Notes
236-278 J. C. M. Gardner, G. L. Chopra view
Book Reviews
279-283 J. C. M. Gardner, G. L. Chopra view
i-vi J. C. M. Gardner, G. L. Chopra view

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