cover image: Krishnath College Sentenary Commemoration Volume  1853-1953


Krishnath College Sentenary Commemoration Volume 1853-1953


The history of Krishnath College is a part of the history of Western education in Bengal and in a wider sense forms a chapter in the history of social and cultural progress of Bengal in the 19th and 20th centuries. [...] During the thirties and forties of the last century the people of Murshidabad felt the impulse of the Renaisance which had its start in Calcutta with the foundation of the Hindu College in 1817. [...] In the 16th 17th and 18th centuries the Vaishnava movement was one of the powerful influences which moulded the life of the majority of the people and reaped a rich harvest in the field of literature. [...] According to Long the author of the article The Banks of the Bhagrathi" one Marshall engaged in Kasimbazar factory learnt Sanskrit as early as 1677 and translated the Bhagvata into English which is still preserved in the British Museum.3 The battle of Plassey the drain and plunder of the wealth of Murshidabad the ruin of her industry and the decline of her trade and commerce the Famine of 1 [...] On the 27th May 1825 the Governor-General approved the plan for the estalishment of "a school and College for the education of the youth conected with the Nazim's family and eventually of children of respectable Mussalman parents genefally residing in Moorshedabad." The College"6 KRISHNATH COLLEGE CENTENARY VOLUME was started in 1826 in the Mobaruk Mahal and Rs.

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i-iii unknown view
i-xiv unknown view
xv-xix unknown view
History of Krishnath College (1853-1953)
1-298 unknown view
Krishnath College (Berhampore) List of Graduates [1867-195]
299-342 unknown view

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