cover image: Akbar. the Great Mogul  1542-1605


Akbar. the Great Mogul 1542-1605


The discovery in a Calcutta library - of the tong-lost manuscript of the Mongolicae Legationis Coinentarius by Father A. Monserrate S. J. and the ptiblicion of a good edition of the text of that manuscriptvi AKBAR THE GREAT MOGUL by the Rev. [...] For help in providing or suggesting other illustrations acknowledgements are tendered to the Secretary of State for India in Council ; the Government of the United Provinces; of Agra and Oudh ; the Council of the Asiatic Society of Bengal the Curators of the Bodleian Library Oxford Oldham Esq. [...] The collection as a whole is said to be of slight value for the purposes of the historian.2 Examples of land-grants will be found in Modi's book on the relations of the Parsecs with Akbar.3 The lack of State Papers dealing with the reign of Akbar is not due to any failure of his to keep a record of his sayings and doings. [...] Nevertheless the Muhammadan histories in Persian are invaluable and must always be the foundation of the history of India from the time of the Muhammadan conquest to the beginning of the British period. [...] The fundamental authorities for the story of Akbar's life and reign must always be the Ain;i Akbari the works of the historians written in Persian and the accounts recorded by the Jesuit missionaries.

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United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xvii Vincent Smith view
Introduction General View of the Authorities
1-8 Vincent Smith view
Chapter I Akbar’s Ancestry and Life Before His Accession; India in 1556; Akbar’s Task
9-32 Vincent Smith view
Chapter II The Regency and Tiie Fall of Bairam Khan 1556-60
33-48 Vincent Smith view
Chapter III Petticoat Government ; the Emancipation of Akbar 1560-4
49-68 Vincent Smith view
Chapter IV Conquest of Gondwana; Rebellions of Abdullaii Khan Khan Zaman Asaf Kiian (I) and the Mirzas ; Reduction of the Great Fortresses; Building of Fathpur-Sikri ; Conquest of Gujarat Etc.
69-122 Vincent Smith view
Chapter V Conquest of Biiiar and Bfngal ; Establishment of the House of Worship’; Akbalt’s First Contact With Christianity; Administrative Measures; War in Rajputana
123-154 Vincent Smith view
Chapter VI Consolidation of Conquests; Discussions on Religion; Relations With Jains and Parsees; Arrival of the First Jesuit Mission; the ’infallibility Decree’ of 1579
155-183 Vincent Smith view
Chapter VII Rebellion in Bengal and Biiiar ; the Kabul Campaign and Its Results; End of the First Jesuit Mission; Rebellion of Muzaffar Shah in Gujarat Etc
184-208 Vincent Smith view
Chapter VIII The Din Ilahi Divine Faith’ or ‘Divine Monotheism’; Fantastic Regulations; Foundation of Allail Iiad ; Beginning of Intercourse With England Etc
209-232 Vincent Smith view
Chapter IX Wars on North-Western Frontier; Annexation of Kashmir. and Sind ; Second Jesuit Mission Regulations; Annexation of Balociiistan and Kandahar Etc
233-258 Vincent Smith view
Chapter X The Third Jesuit Mission (1595) ; Famine (1595-8) Wars in the Deccan; Fall of Aiimadnagar and Asirgarh ; Last Embassy to Goa (1601) ; the Jesuit Fathers; Foundation of the English and Dutch East India Companies
259-300 Vincent Smith view
Chapter XI Rebellion of Prince Salim; Death of Prince Daniyal and of Akbar’s Mother; Submission and Arrest of Prince Salim; Last Illness and Death of Akbar (October 1605) ; Desecration of His Tomb (1691)
301-ii Vincent Smith view
Chapter XII Akbar
333-353 Vincent Smith view
Chapter XIII Institutions Military and Civil
354-384 Vincent Smith view
Chapter XIV Social and Economic Condition of the People
385-414 Vincent Smith view
Chapter XV Literature and Art
415-447 Vincent Smith view
Appendix C Chronology of the Life and Reign of Akbar
448-459 Vincent Smith view
Appendix D Bibliography
459-486 Vincent Smith view
487-504 Vincent Smith view

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