cover image: Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India Mineral Resources of Madras

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Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India Mineral Resources of Madras


They comprise the Ghats of the Northern Circars composed of charnockites and khondalities the quartzite and shale ridges of the border of Nellore and Cuddapah districts (forming the Velikodas Nallamalais and Palkondas) and the hills of charnockites and Dharwarian rocks in Arcot and Salem (the J avadi Hills Kalrayan Hills Shevaroys etc.) continuing into the southern border of the Mysore p [...] The total rainfall in the region to the west of the crest of the Western Ghats is of the order of 100 inches per annum. [...] There are three main peneplains in this part of India the lowest being the coastal plain the middle one comprising the Mysore plateau and the lower ridges and hills and the upper one the Nilgiri uplands. [...] Only the Ariyalur Stage is developed in the Vriddhachalam and the Pondicherry areas the three areas being separated from each other by the alluvia of the Vellar and the Ponnaiyar. [...] Special mention may be made of the slates from the ' Cumbum Slates' worked near Markapur the Narji limestones and marbles worked in the Palnad area of Guntur and the Cuddapah slabs of the Jammalamadugu and Kundair formations in the Cuddapah and Kurnool districts.
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Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i M.S. Krishnan view
i-v M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter I Physical Features and Geology
1-21 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter III Antimony
22-22 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter IV Aluminium Sulphate
23-23 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter V Asbestos
24-28 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter VI Barite
29-34 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter VII Bauxite
35-36 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter VIII Building Stones
37-40 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter IX Chromite
41-47 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter X Clay
48-69 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XI Coal
70-76 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XII Columbite-Tantalite
77-79 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XIII Copper
80-88 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XIV Cordierite
89-90 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XV Corundum
91-98 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XVI Diamonds
99-105 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XVII Feldspar
106-109 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XVIII Fluorspar
110-111 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XIX Garnet
112-114 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XX Gemstones
115-119 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXI Gold
120-129 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXII Graphite
130-133 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXIII Gypsum
134-137 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXIV Iron
138-153 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXV Kyanite and Sillimanite
154-156 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXVI Lead
157-160 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXVII Lignite and Peat
161-171 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXVIII Limestone and Dolomite
172-197 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXIX Magnesite
198-207 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXX Magnetite
208-208 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXI Manganese
209-219 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXII Mica
220-240 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXIII Mineral Pigments
241-247 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXIV Molybdenum
248-249 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXV Natural Gas
250-251 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXVI Phosphates
252-257 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXVII Quartz and Silica
258-259 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXVIII Refractories
260-262 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XXXIX Road Stones and Aggregates
263-264 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XL Sands
265-266 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLI Soda and Potash Salts
267-268 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLII Slate
269-271 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLIII Steatite and Talc
272-275 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLIV Strontium
276-277 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLV Sulphur and Pyrites
278-282 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLVI Titanium
283-287 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLVII Water Supply
288-290 M.S. Krishnan view
Chapter XLVIII Zircon
291-292 M.S. Krishnan view
Output and Value Of Minerals Produced in Madras
293-299 M.S. Krishnan view
i-ix M.S. Krishnan view
i-x M.S. Krishnan view

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