cover image: The Calcutta Review  May 1953


The Calcutta Review May 1953


The knowledge of a lotus by means of the smelling of its fragrance and the knowledge of the distant flame by means of the perception of its rays are instances of inference which presupposes the previous knowledge of the invariable mark as its antecedent condition. [...] If the above sutra represents both the means of perception and the result produced by it then the very constrution of the constituent words of the sutra indicates that there should be perfect co-ordination between the means of proof and its result. [...] Economically it spelled the exploitation of the resources of the country and the virtual slavery of the native population as also the division of the society into two polarized economic extremes with the middle class almost absent. [...] The severance of the political tie did not mean for the indigenous population the severance of the bonds of exploitation and domination. [...] You have to keep them under the thumb.' A philosophy of eduction like the above was evidently the outcome of the lo vly status of the Indian to which he had been reduced by the conquest of the country.

Mentioned Organizations

Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
93-107 unknown view
Mexican Illiteracy: A Diagnosis
108-116 Raj Narain view
The World-State: Why and How ?
117-129 Khagendr Pal view
The Reserve Bank of India and Rural Finance
130-138 Krishna Sharma view
Child-Welfare in Japan
139-142 Indira Sarkar view
A Sociological. Theory of International Cooperation
143-157 Felies Gross view
Round the World
158-163 unknown view
Reviews and Notices of Books
164-167 Ranjit Lahiri view
168-170 unknown view
Calcutta University
171-181 unknown view

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