cover image: Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science  December 1953


Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science December 1953


The measurements of the initial jumps of the primary current ate used to obtain an idea of the degree of excitation produced by the different radiations of the F-centres. [...] The variation in current under the influence of white light as seen in figure 3 shows that the difference between the final value of the current and the dark current is more than twice that in the case of green light. [...] It is because of the simultaneous flow of the positive primary current along with the ordinary flow that the final value of the current in the case of white light is more than double that in the case of green light. [...] The fact that even in the case of the solid state in which the arrangement of the molecules is regular the bands are broad shows that some sort of oscillatory motion of the molecules is responsible for the larger width of the bands and that such motions do not cease even at -18o°C. [...] (r) the resistance of the connecting link to the earth connection and of the material of the earth connection itself (2) the contact resistance between the metal of the earth connection and the surrounding earth and (3) the resistance of the earth surrounding the earth connection.
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Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii K. Banerjee, S.K. Mitra, D.M. Bose view
Term Values in the Spectrum of Chromium II
585-590 B. Suryanarayana, V. Rao view
On The Photoconductivity Of Amethyst Quartz
591-602 M.K. Bappu view
On the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Toluidines in the Liquid and Solid States
603-609 Usha Biswas view
Calculation of Partial Molar Volume at Infinite Dilution from Refractive Index Measurements
610-614 Anil Sircar, Santi Palit view
A Study of D.C. Resistivity of Calcutta Soil
615-627 S.P. Bhattacharyya, P.C. Mahanti view
On a Consistency Test of the Theories of Strong Electrolytes in Solution
628-632 M. Sengupta view

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