If the nearness of my date of the Bhärata War (1432 B. C.) to the assumed epoch (1429 B. C.) of the Veddiga Jyotisa makes my year of the war to belong to the age of the Veddiga Jyoti fia then the actual inclusion of the same system in the Mandbhdrata makes the Alandbbjrata itself to be more so though the date of the war given by Prof. [...] The following reasons may suFfce for the purpose (i) According to the requirements of the Vedahga Jyotisa the 1st days of the solar Mkgha should begin with only one of the following tithis namely gukla 1st gukla i3th Kona 12 h gukla 7th and Kona 4th and no other whereas according to the Mandbhdrata it was the middle of the scukla 8th at the noon of the day. [...] At the time of the Mandbhärata the tropical system was still prevailing but later the sidereal system was introduced with the first point of the naksatra Dhanisthd Delphini)marking the beginning of the year and also the beginning of the month of solar Mägha. [...] the order of tithis and naksatras for the year of the war and the other the position of the then winter solstice with reference to the star Jyesthi. [...] According to the statements of krsna and Bhisma the distance of the winter solstice in the year of the war"330 TARAKESHWAR BHATTACHARYA from the star Jyesthi was 67 days' journey of the sun.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 139
- Published in
- India
- SARF Document ID
- sarf.120072
Segment | Pages | Author | Actions |
i-iv | R.D. Ranade, A. Siddiqi, Umesh Mishar | view |
Date of the Bharata War
315-354 | Tarakeshwar Bhattacharya | view |
Philosophy of Gaudapada (Alatasantiprakaranani)
355-370 | Jnanendralal Majumdar | view |
The Tripura Episode in Sanskrit Literature
371-396 | Kumari Mukhopadhyaya | view |
Teachings of the Dhammapada
397-406 | B. Karunes | view |
Some Principles of Tracing Pre-Paninian Portions in Paninian Works
407-418 | Ram Bhattacharya | view |
Nine Gems of the Court of Maharaja Bhavasimha of Rewa
419-425 | A.H. Nizami | view |
Audit Report of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute For 1950-51
426-426 | unknown | view |
Year’s Work in Modern Indian Language Studies
427-436 | Amar Mukerji | view |
Reviews of Books
437-446 | unknown | view |
Index to Vilume VIII
i-ii | unknown | view |
Opinions on Sanskrit Documents
i-i | unknown | view |