cover image: The Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute  November 1949

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The Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Research Institute November 1949


As the profuse sheets of rain descended on the Hill from the clouds it looked like the city of Tripura petrified by the Assault of Rudra and the Hill spread out like an Umbrella coloured by the blue clouds and the Hill slept on the arm of Krsna the eyes of the caVe'S—shutting down under the shades of the clouds." (15) i vatic sa c inlay itva ta K tyyth satya-parakramah V mitt& dariayinan s [...] We have already alluded to the part that Wadha plays in the picture --touching the wrist of Krsna —as she stands in close proximity of the Hero—providing and communicating the necessary physical " energy " for the feat—without which the Hero is incapable of performing the super-human act--as claimed by the She-bird Sari— the devotee of 10 dhil.. [...] that the first two pratijliis are explained in the first pada of the first adhyaya and the remaining by the remaining padas of the first adhyaya and the eleven chapters. [...] But the fact that the atmajfiAna is the cause of liberation which is in the form of the removal or destruction of the ajfidna—nescience--the root-cause of this phenomenal world— `31.141IR7111* TNT \JCI4c1:' can also be understood from our wordly knowledge of causality both positive and negative as in the instance that the knowledge of one object like the pot removes the ignorance of the same Efe.4 [...] They originated out of a desire on the part of offcials to appreciate the ancient remains the mute testmonies of the past and desire for proper exhibition and explanation of the ' curios.' The second factor was the desire for economic exploitation of the count) y. Thirdly the great native princes realising the interest that the offcials of the sovereign power were taking in museums a
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iv R.D. Ranade, A. Siddiqi, Umesh Mishar, Ishwari Prasad, K. Chattopadhayay view
Indra-Cult Versus Krsna-Cult
1-28 O.C. Gangoly view
Dharma—Its Definition and Authority
29-42 V.A. Sastri view
Future of India Museums
43-60 Adris Banerji view
Short Notes
61-72 unknown view
Reviews of Books
73-78 unknown view

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