
Cyprus ( (listen)), officially called the Republic of Cyprus, is an island nation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean, and is located north of Egypt; northwest of Lebanon, Palestine, and Israel; west of Syria; southeast of Greece; and south of Turkey. The earliest known human activity on the island dates to around the 10th millennium BC. Archaeological remains from this period include the well-preserved Neolithic village of Khirokitia, and Cyprus is home to some of the oldest water wells in the world. Cyprus was settled by Mycenaean Greeks …



PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 June 2024 English

This report was published in June 2024 by the World Economic Forum based in Switzerland. The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006; this is the 18th edition …

(+32, ranked 80th), Guatemala (+24, ranked 93rd), Cyprus (+22, ranked 84th) and Romania and Greece (+20 Republic 0.706 █ +0.002 -1 83 Uganda 0.706 █ - -5 84 Cyprus 0.705 █ +0.027 +22 85 Mongolia 0.705 █ - -5 86 Mauritius 0.993 71 Madagascar 0.993 72 Japan 0.993 73 Cyprus 0.993 Rank Economy Score (0–1) 1 Liberia 0.874 Leone 0.668 88 Brazil 0.667 89 Indonesia 0.667 90 Cyprus 0.666 91 Niger 0.664 92 Chile 0.662 93 Comoros Romania 0.213 80 Kenya 0.209 81 Cameroon 0.201 82 Cyprus 0.200 83 Zimbabwe 0.199 84 Benin 0.189 85 Morocco

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 19 March 2024 English

IQAir, a Switzerland-based company working on air quality technology, released this report on March 19, 2024. It gives an overview of population weighted air quality data for the year 2023 …

Hong Kong SAR Maldives Honduras Italy Slovenia Cyprus Poland Colombia Guinea Croatia Algeria Philippines (15.1) 62. Zagreb, Croatia (14.9) 63. Nicosia, Cyprus (14.4) 64. Conakry, Guinea (13.9) 65. Algiers, | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland (15.7) 10. Italy (15.0) 11. Slovenia (14.9) 12. Cyprus (14.3) 13. Poland (14.1) 14. Croatia (13.8) 15

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 20 June 2023 English

This report was published by the World Economic Forum, Switzerland, on June 20, 2023. The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006 and this 2023 edition is the …

in the world, while Hungary, Czech Republic and Cyprus rank at the bottom of the region. Overall, there +8 105 Korea, Republic of 0.680 █ -0.010 -6 106 Cyprus 0.678 █ -0.018 -13 107 China 0.678 █ -0.004 -5 Zimbabwe 0.991 78 Australia 0.991 79 Iceland 0.991 80 Cyprus 0.990 81 Greece 0.990 82 Germany 0.989 83 Lithuania of) 0.658 91 Comoros 0.657 92 Colombia 0.657 93 Cyprus 0.652 94 Lesotho 0.648 95 Argentina 0.644 96 Chile Cambodia 0.112 116 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 0.111 117 Cyprus 0.109 118 Türkiye 0.106 119 Zambia 0.102 120 Thailand

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 12 June 2023 English

The Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) published this report on June 12, 2023. This is the second report in the series; the first was …

Romania Colombia Lebanon Peru Zimbabwe China Jordan Cyprus Ecuador Ukraine Armenia Kazakhstan Morocco Türkiye 2017–2022 91.18 59.01 8.82 54.14 18.16 28.16 81.58 Cyprus 2017–2022 80.48 57.86 19.52 49.03 15.82 52.74 57

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 April 2023

The State of the World’s Children is an annual report published by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) since the year 1980. Each edition aims to promote awareness on key …

Romania Türkiye Brazil Poland Austria Indonesia Cyprus France Greece Czechia Democratic Republic of the

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 April 2023 English

This report was published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in April 2023. It is the seventh edition of UNODC’s biennial Global Report on Trafficking in …

Western and Southern Europe Andorra Austria Belgium Cyprus Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 20 March 2023 English

The World Happiness Report 2023 has been published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a global initiative of the United Nations. It was released on March 20, 2023, United Nations …

Guatemala 6.150 44 Kazakhstan 6.144 45 Serbia* 6.144 46 Cyprus 6.130 47 Japan 6.129 48 Croatia 6.125 49 Brazil Guatemala 6.150 44 Kazakhstan 6.144 45 Serbia* 6.144 46 Cyprus 6.130 47 Japan 6.129 48 Croatia 6.125 49 Brazil Guatemala 44 6.144 Kazakhstan 45 6.144 Serbia* 46 6.130 Cyprus 47 6.129 Japan 48 6.125 Croatia 49 6.125 Brazil Guatemala 44 6.144 Kazakhstan 45 6.144 Serbia* 46 6.130 Cyprus 47 6.129 Japan 48 6.125 Croatia 49 6.125 Brazil Guatemala 6.150 44 Kazakhstan 6.144 45 Serbia* 6.144 46 Cyprus 6.130 47 Japan 6.129 48 Croatia 6.125 49 Brazil

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 16 January 2023 English

The International Labour Office of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, released this report on January 16, 2023. Written by Daniel Samaan, Ekkehard Ernst, Miguel Sanchez Martinez, Richard Horne and …

advanced) economies. Countries covered: Austria, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Japan

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 14 November 2022 English

The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is a report which assesses the policies adopted by various countries across the world to combat global warming. It has been published annually since …

Zealand 50.55 34. 6 ▲ Slovak Republic 50.12 35. 7 ▲ Cyprus 49.39 36. 8 ▲ Bulgaria 49.15 37. 9 ▲ Ireland 48 Low 45. Japan 19.92 Low Low High Very Low Low 46. Cyprus 19.92 Low Medium Medium Low Medium 47. Ireland Greece 7.57 Medium Medium High Low Medium 29. Cyprus 7.55 Medium Medium High Very Low Medium 30. Spain Portugal 13.73 Medium High Medium Low Low 24. Cyprus 13.65 Medium High Low Medium Low 25. Algeria 13 Low Medium 31. France 8.33 Medium Low Medium 32. Cyprus 8.27 Medium Low Medium 33. Canada 8.26 Medium Low

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 November 2022 English

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, the Berlin-based institute engaged in political education, published the Atlas of Migration in November 2022. This report, the second in the series, aims to change global perceptions …

Austria Gabon Equatorial Guinea Belize Ireland Cyprus USA Belgium Norway Estonia Iceland Germany Saudi BG: Bulgaria, BY: Belarus, CH: Switzerland, CY: Cyprus, CZ: Czechia, DE: Germany, DK: Denmark, EE: Estonia European Commission. Golden passports: Malta and Cyprus under pressure from the Commission; Bulgarian ended. Austria and Bulgaria: without, Malta and Cyprus: with family members; Portugal: permanent visa million 16 Bulgaria € 127,000 ca. € 2.5 million 3,336 Cyprus € 330,000 ca. € 1.5 million 2,027 Malta € 220,000

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