
Animals (also called Metazoa) are multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdom Animalia. With few exceptions, animals consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development. Over 1.5 million living animal species have been described—of which around 1 million are insects—but it has been estimated there are over 7 million animal species in total. Animals range in length from 8.5 micrometres (0.00033 in) to 33.6 metres (110 ft). They have complex interactions with each other and their environments, forming intricate food webs. The …



PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 7 April 2024 English

Suresh Dhurve tells stories through his paintings…of forests, trees and animals and people, and their crucial dependence on each other. Gond artists like him who live in Bhopal, say they have been left

stories through his paintings…of forests, trees and animals and people, and their crucial dependence on each

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 19 March 2024 English

Kisan Mazdoor Commission (KMC), an initiative by the Nation for Farmers, is a collaboration of activists and organisations focussing on current challenges faced by primary producers, artisans and rural workers …

grievances building up from the menace of stray animals by removing all legal and vigilante-imposed restrictions farmers for destruction of crops by wild and stray animals. Support animal shelters and rejuvenate commons

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 12 February 2024 English

population or any geographically separate part of the population of any species or lower taxon of wild animals, a significant proportion of whose members cyclically and predictably cross one or more national

the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals ii UNEP promotes environmentally sound practices the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). Copyright: © 2024 Convention on the Conservation Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. Citation: UNEP-WCMC, 2024. State of the World’s Migratory Antelope (Saiga tatarica) iv Foreword Billions of animals are regularly on the move every year. Migratory the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) was established in 1979 for this very reason:

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 18 January 2024 English

Home to endemic species of plants and animals, Kaas Plateau in the Western Ghats is a unique landscape resting on 1,600-hectare bedrock. Uncontrolled tourism threatens this fragile ecosystem

Home to endemic species of plants and animals, Kaas Plateau in the Western Ghats is a unique landscape

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 14 January 2024 English

in Kolkata. During the busy winter season, carriage driver Akif is here every day, tending to his animals and giving rides to tourists. The rest of the year he looks out for painting jobs

driver Akif is here every day, tending to his animals and giving rides to tourists. The rest of the year

1 January 2024

almost every part of a rickshaw is painted with colourful floral patterns, natural imagery, birds and animals, creative depictions of historical events, fables, national heroes, movie stars and text. Rickshaws

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 28 November 2023 English

This report published on November 28, 2023, by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and magazine Down to Earth (DTE), sheds light on extreme weather patterns in India. It …

damaged 80,563 houses and killed over 92,519 animals. Number of days Human deaths Affected crop of crop area, 24,070 houses, and killed 2,144 animals. It recorded extreme weather events on 143 of the of crop area, 20,035 houses and killed 1,053 animals. It recorded extreme weather events on 204 of ha crop area, 31,478 houses and killed 88,906 animals. Note: States could not be ascertained for 74 human 317 ha crop area, 4,980 houses and killed 231 animals. All values are rounded off to nearest two decimal

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 November 2023 English

First History Lessons is a series of books published by the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK). Aiming to simplify and explain important historical ideas, the series has been sponsored …

cages in the zoo would be destroyed, allowing the animals to run free, if the Japanese bombed the city.

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 1 November 2023 English

First History Lessons is a series of books published by the Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata (IDSK). Aiming to simplify and explain important ideas of history, the series has been …

before daylight wanes, since snakes and dangerous animals might appear in the darkness. And the delicate

PARI: The CounterMedia Trust · 27 September 2023 English

Wild animals are attacking people working on land near forest, causing grievous injuries and even fatalities. This comes after price volatilities and climatic aberrations have already put the tiller’s

Wild animals are attacking people working on land near forest, causing grievous injuries and even fatalities

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