

Ministry of Culture

The Indian Culture Portal is a part of the National Virtual Library of India project, funded by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The portal has been created and developed by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Data has been provided by organisations of the Ministry of Culture.

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Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 English

In this book, the author describes one of the most interesting musical instruments, the Banam, a popular accompaniment during all festivities, particularly those associated with the fertility of the soil …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 Sanskrit

Kärakatattvasaàgrahaù, the present work, is the final report of a project entitled “Post-Päninian Grammatical Works on Käraka Relations” which was taken by Professor Karuna Sindhu Das to critically assess and …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 Sanskrit

The Rgveda Samhitä, by Basanta Kumar Ganguly, is the collection of one thousand twenty-eight hymns, called süktas, perfect lauds. Each hymn is a collection of a number of rks, lauding …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 English

In this book, author describes the folk art Sanjhi. Sanjhi or Devasthanakala is a ritualistic folk art form of Vrajadham, linked to the worship of Lord Krishna, undoubtedly one of …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 English

This book is titled as 'Genesis of Anandavardhana's Theory of Dhvani' was written by Bidyut Baran Ghosh. The Dhvanyaloka is an epoch-making treatise in the field of ancient Indian literary …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 English

Glimpses into the World of Verrier Elwin is edited by K.M. Sinha Roy, resulted from a Seminar that the Sub-Regional Centre of the Anthropological Survey of India (henceforth AnSI or …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 Hindi

सिंहस्थ कुम्भ उत्सव पर आधारित यह प्रकाशन एक जीवंत पर्व को छायाचित्रों के माध्यम से प्रलेखित करता है और सिंहस्थ महाकुम्भ उज्जैन के वैश्विक स्वरुप को भी दर्शाता है। परम्पराओँ …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 English

The book titled 'A Comprehensive History of Modern Bengal 1700 - 1950' edited by Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, focuses on the history of Bengal between the 18th and the 20th centuries. The …

Ministry of Culture · 1 January 2020 English

In this book, Dinda provides valuable quantitative data on the social and demographic characteristics of the tourists, both Indian and foreign origins. He also tells us about the behavioural patterns …