cover image: कारकतत्त्वसंग्रह Karakatattvasamgrahah A collection of some Post-Paninian Grammatical Works on Karaka Relations


कारकतत्त्वसंग्रह Karakatattvasamgrahah A collection of some Post-Paninian Grammatical Works on Karaka Relations

1 Jan 2020

Kärakatattvasaàgrahaù, the present work, is the final report of a project entitled “Post-Päninian Grammatical Works on Käraka Relations” which was taken by Professor Karuna Sindhu Das to critically assess and edit different manuscripts of Post-Paninian School with three reputed scholars in the field. They meticulously prepared three parts, and Professor Das had gone through all the three manuscripts and prepared the lay-out of the work. Indian grammatical traditions have a long and chequered history right from the early days of the Vedas. Pre-Päninian, Päninian and Post-Päninian schools of Sanskrit grammar flourished under different circumstances for interpretation of the OIA language of the day in terms of phonology, morphology and syntax. They developed certain devices of their own and vied with each other for obvious reasons.
vedas sanskrit grammar grammer paninian grammer
xxvi, 267p.
Published in