Selected South Asia Holdings

Selected South Asia Holdings

University of Cambridge

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University of Cambridge · 2023 English

Closer view of a procession of monk musicians at Tumlong monastery carrying banners (phang tshar) and playing dung-chen (long trumpets) and dung-dkar (conch). In the background are the thatched buildings …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

On Cech"s list describing prints:"F. W. became Political Officer in Sikkim on January 4th, 1933.(Photos 1-30 were taken in and around Gangtok).21. "At Tumlong monastery 28. -29.3.33"See gi: Tumlong21q. "At …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

On Cech"s list describing prints:"F. W. became Political Officer in Sikkim on January 4th, 1933.(Photos 1-30 were taken in and around Gangtok).21. "At Tumlong monastery 28. -29.3.33"See gi: Tumlong21d/e/f/h/l/m. Monk …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

Closer view of a procession of monk musicians at Tumlong monastery playing a selection of instruments: including dung-chen (long trumpets), rol-mo (cymbals), rnga (drums), and rgya-gling (oboes), and dung-dkar (conch). …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

On Cech"s list describing prints:"F. W. became Political Officer in Sikkim on January 4th, 1933.(Photos 1-30 were taken in and around Gangtok).21. "At Tumlong monastery 28. -29.3.33"See gi: Tumlong21d/e/f/h/l/m. Monk …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

The head lama, second from left and with a beard, standing with four other lamas from Tumlong monastery. All wear the traditional robes of their position. [JD 21/4/2008]On Cech"s list …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

On Cech"s list describing prints:"F. W. became Political Officer in Sikkim on January 4th, 1933.(Photos 1-30 were taken in and around Gangtok).21. "At Tumlong monastery 28. -29.3.33"See gi: Tumlong21p. "At …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

On Cech"s list describing prints:"F. W. became Political Officer in Sikkim on January 4th, 1933.(Photos 1-30 were taken in and around Gangtok).21. "At Tumlong monastery 28. -29.3.33"See gi: Tumlong21o. "Head …

University of Cambridge · 2023 English

A procession of monk musicians at Tumlong monastery carrying banners (phang tshar) and playing a selection of instruments: including dung-chen (long trumpets), rol-mo (cymbals), rnga (drums), and rgya-gling (oboes), and …

University of Cambridge · 1 January 1970 English