cover image: Climate Inequality Report 2023: Fair taxes for a sustainable future in the Global South


Climate Inequality Report 2023: Fair taxes for a sustainable future in the Global South

30 Jan 2023

The World Inequality Lab, a research organisation based in Paris, released this report on January 30, 2023. It was authored by Lucas Chancel and Philipp Bothe from the Paris School of Economics and Tancrède Voituriez from the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), Sciences Po, Paris. The report compiles the latest research on the unequal distribution of carbon emissions and climate impacts. It presents this along with data gained from interviews with experts in climate and development policy. Highlighting how unequal carbon emissions are, it states that the richest 10 per cent of the world population contributes almost half of the total global emissions. However, it faces only a three per cent loss in income due to climate change. Conversely, the poorest 50 per cent people account for 12 per cent of the emissions but face around 75 per cent income loss. Considering this, the report suggests introduction of progressive social and tax policies by governments worldwide...
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Lucas Chancel, Philipp Bothe And Tancrède Voituriez

Published in
World Inequality Lab