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The Future of Medicine


PREFACE IN writing these pages I tried to place before the medical profession in a condensed form the methods and results of Medical Research both observational and theoretical which lead to the only conclusion that Radiology and Electrotherapy will build the future of Medicine. [...] 6THE FUTURE OF MEDICINE In the field of Radiotherapy or Electrotherapy we find that Medical Research of high merit is being carried out all over the world and on very interesting lines such as Primary Action of Radiation Genetic Effects of Rays Graded Effects of Rays Action of Rays on Metabolic Processes Radiosensitivity of Cells Influence of Wave-length on the Biological Actions Time-Intens [...] If a delicate electric DETECTOR can accurately indicate the presence of an air-craft from a distance and position far beyond the range of human senses it is equally possible to have a suitable instrument to indicate the details of the disease producing agents and conditions at an earlier stage than when the best microscope the most delicate chemical tests and an elaborate X-ray outfit fail to [...] The Treatment at this ultra-microscopic ultra-chemical and ultrradiological stage of the disease is totally different from the usual forms of medical surgical and radiological methods of treatment advocated and practised for the disease in gross form. [...] At the same time the superiority of this method over the usual one will be easily appreciated by the sufferers and their friends as the least risky and the most beneficial method of relieving the human suffering.
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The Future of Medicine
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