cover image: Government of West Bengal. Labour Department. Awards made by the Tribunals for the quarter ending March 1949



Government of West Bengal. Labour Department. Awards made by the Tribunals for the quarter ending March 1949


The only circumstance rlating to trade union activities arises from the fact that lie was one of the workmen who tried on behalf of all to secure the payment of the potion of bonus awarded by the Tribunal of 1947 which remained unpaid till after the publication of the award. [...] On the informal intervention of the Tribunal directly after the submision of the award to the Government the Company was reasonable enough to give effect to part of the award by paying bonus to the extent of one month's wages to all workmen before the Pujas. [...] This the Company was not bound to do and it was an act of good grace that payment of a major porton of the bonus awarded before the Pujas was amicably secured and the Company was not unreasonable in waiting for the payment of the remaining portion of the bonus till after the publication of the award. [...] The learned Adjudicator came to the conclusion that the discharge of the particular Engineer amounted to an unfair labour practice and the strike of the employees which ensued was provoked by the unfair labour practice on the part of the Company. [...] The Company appreciates the sentiment of the Union and reciprocates the same by an offer of increasing the dearness allowance of the workers employed in the factory except the clericals engaged therein by Rs.
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Government of West Bengal. Labour Department
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