cover image: The Earl of Reading  A Sketch of a Great Career at the Bar on the Bench in Diplomacy  in India

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The Earl of Reading A Sketch of a Great Career at the Bar on the Bench in Diplomacy in India


It is one of the attractive features of the Jewish chara.ctg and customs and perhaps in this virtue lies the secret of how the community has endured after so many centuries of persecution suffering and decimation to find marital constancy domestic felicity and the solidarity of families exalted in the very forefront of the duties owed in common by all the individual members to their race and [...] CHAPTER II FROM THE DAR TO TILE BENCH THE appointment of Sir Rufus Isaacs to the SolicitoGeneralship—for he received the honour of lcnighthooa immediately after the appointment in accordance with custom—gave rise to a good deal of conmient on his success at the Bar and the causes of his success. [...] 1910) commenting on this elevation to the office that carries with it the Leadership of the Bar wrote : " He has won his way to the acknowledged headship of the profession—even before he became its official Head—by combining the most zealous and indutrious advocacy with that scrupulous and delate sense of honour which are the proud boast of the liar of England. [...] At the annual banquet of the Hardwick"PROM BAR TO BENCH Society on 25th July of the same year Lord Justice Hamilton one of the ablest Judges on the Bench and a great stitkler for professional etiquette and the hoour of tlle Bar expressed his opinion of the character and principles of the Attorney-General in the most emphatic terms Lord Justice Hamilton in proposing ' The Bar ' said that i [...] The British and French Governments were in complete accord and had come to a joint agreement and the object of the mission was to obtain a login of one hundred millions which sum was to be spent on their joint account in the purchase of much needed munitions in the United States and thus the transfer of funds which would inevitably shake confidence and diturb the exchange was avoided.
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United Kingdom
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Segment Pages Author Actions
i-vii Sardar Khan view
Chapter I. Early Life and at the Bar
1-11 Sardar Khan view
Chapter II. From the Bar to the Bench
12-29 Sardar Khan view
Chapter III. High Commissioner and Ambassador to the United States
30-44 Sardar Khan view
Chapter IV. Peace Preliminaries
45-66 Sardar Khan view
Chapter V. Appointment as Viceroy
67-83 Sardar Khan view
Chapter VI. Final Leave-Takings
84-100 Sardar Khan view
Chapter VII. Arrival in India
101-112 Sardar Khan view
Chapter VIII. Princely Tours and Their Moral
113-124 Sardar Khan view
Chapter IX. From Sevres to Lausanne
125-145 Sardar Khan view
Chapter X. The Berar Trust
146-157 Sardar Khan view
Chapter XI. The Agreement of 1902
158-170 Sardar Khan view
Chapter XII. The Restoration of the Berars
171-190 Sardar Khan view
Chapter XIII. Anxieties Doubts and Troubles
191-206 Sardar Khan view
Chapter XIV. Whither are we Going ?
207-218 Sardar Khan view
Earl of Reading’s Speeches in India from April 1921 to January 1924 Reprinted from the Reports in “The Pioneer” of Allahabad (By Permission of the Proprietors)
219-398 Sardar Khan view
399-404 Sardar Khan view

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