cover image: The Government of India Act  1935 Excluded and partially excluded areas (Section 91). Recommendations Provincial Governments and the Government of India


The Government of India Act 1935 Excluded and partially excluded areas (Section 91). Recommendations Provincial Governments and the Government of India


The Garo Hills lie west of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills and are bounded on the north by the Goalpara district of the Assam valley and on the south by the Mymensingh district of the Bengal Presdency. [...] By geographical poSition alone the future of the Garo and of the Mikir Hills is closely linked with that of the settled districts of the province of Assam. [...] The same recommendation for the Mikir Hills is made by the Commissioner of the Assam Valley DiVision agreeing in this respect with the opinion of the Deputy Commissioner of Nowgong but disagreeing with the view of the Deputy Commissioner of Sibsagar. [...] We accept the recommendation of the Government of Assam that with the exception of the Shillong Municipality and Cantonment the British portions of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills shOuld bepartially excluded. [...] On the north and cast are tribes belonging to the Mongolian block of Assam; on the west are Santals of the Central Indian Plateau and in the north-west the hill-men of the sub-Himalayan districts of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri.
government politics public policy

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