cover image: Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. New Series

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Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. New Series


1952 Journal of the CEYLON BRANCH of the ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY Nero Series Volume II Part The design of the Society is to institute and promote inquiries into the History Religions Languages Literatu) Arts Sciences and Social Conditions of the present and former inhabitants of the Island of Ceylon and connected cultures COLOMBO PRINTED BY THE COLOMBO APOTHECARIES’ CO. [...] It seems to have been the practice of the Dutch Government in Ceylon to send annually to Holland herbaria and medicinal plants to be tried out in the laboratories and the medicinal gardens at Leyden Delft and elsewhere in the Nethelands. [...] The full title of this work is : Florae Lugduno-Batavae Flores (the Flowers of the Leyden Flora) or the enumeration of the families arranged In the Leyden garden on the basis of natural characteristics. [...] It is a vocabulary of Sinhalese names of the different parts of the human body of months and days and of honorary titles of persons written in Sinhalese and Roman characters side by side with their significations in Latin. [...] ' The custom among the Sinhalese for contracting a marriage is this : On behalf of the suitor his parents request from the parents of the girl to be wedded their consent and when it is received a cloth (which is their dress) is sent to the girl by the groom together with some betel leaves ; at the same time the date for the marriage is announced.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i unknown view
i-iii unknown view
Paul Hermann the Father of Ceylon Botany
1-i Edmund Peiris view
Some Sinhalese Royal Families
21-30 J. H. O. Paulusz view
Numismata Zeylanica
31-iii D. P. E. Hettiaratchi view
The Conjugation of the Sinhalese Verb
37-47 C. E. Godakumbura view
48-51 unknown view
52-52 unknown view
Office-Bearers for 1951
53-53 unknown view
Royal Asiatic Society (Ceylon Branch) Annual Report for 1950
54-54 unknown view
Summary of Archaeological Work 1950
55-60 unknown view
Abstract of Proceedings
61-73 unknown view
Publications Received for the Period
74-81 unknown view
82-83 unknown view
Publications for Sale and Exchange
84-87 unknown view
Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for 1950
88-90 unknown view

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