cover image: Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (New Series)  1953

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Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (New Series) 1953


The record is the Kudaluru inscription of the King4 which records the grant of the village of "Nair to the west of the river Totla and east of Marukare Visaya"—obviously the place near Coimbatore since the boundaries set here are easily identifiable with the river of the name in the hills of the Nilgiris and the place known to-day as Madhukarai a few miles off Coimbatore. [...] 64-70) in his History of Sanskrit Poetics two of which are devoted to the identification of the V. D. quotations in the Haralata (one only of three such) of Aniruddha Bhatta the Danasagara of Ballala Sena and the Caturvarga-cintamani (vratakhar.ida) of Hemadri for fixing from dharmtiästra sources the lower limit of the date of composition of the V. D. viz. [...] 43 and 44 the fact of borrowing by the V. D. from the Matsypurana on the strength of several grounds and ascribes the similarity of cotents of the V. D. I. 146 41b to the end and I. 148-154 (verses 1-7) and the Mat 207 (verse 24b to the end) and 115-120 respectively to the above borowing. [...] To draw attention of the scholars to the confusion between the Markancleya Purana and the sage Markancleya the speaker in the V. D. he says on p. 266(n2) that the fact that in the great majority of cases the verses ascribed to Markancleya are not found in the Markaa.eya Purana but in the V. D. proves that the word `Markancleya' prefixed to those verses refers to the speaker MarkarAleya in [...] the Rajdharmakaustubha) immensely draws upon sometimes quoting entire chapters are the Matsyapurana the Brhat-sarithita and the Visrmdharmottara.' The above remark about the V. D. is now fully borne out by the fact that all of the 14 identified big extracts out of the 16 quoted ones from the V. D. in the Rajadharmakaustubha cover the entire or almost entire chapters viz.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i P.V. Kane, H.D. Velankar view
i-iv unknown view
The Gangās Of śkandapurā
1-5 M. Arokiaswami view
The Visnudharmottarapuræna : Its Dharmasæstra Contents and their Utilisation in Mediæval Digest
6-18 Bhabatosh Bhattacharya view
Kursi or Throne : a Chinese word in the Koran
19-21 S. Mahdihassan view
Khazana A Chinese Word In the Koran and the Associated Word Godown
22-24 S. Mahdihassan view
25-28 N.G. Chapekar view
Law and Religion in Islam
29-48 A. A. Fyzee view
The Origin of Man
49-92 Hermanns view
A Note On Karnabhāra
93-97 J.C. Jhala view
98-158 P.V. Kane, H.D. Velankar view
Miscellaneous Notes
159-160 P.V. Kane view
Reviews Of Books
161-164 P.V. Kane, H.D. Velankar view
165-166 P.V. Kane, H.D. Velankar view
Extracts from the Report for the year 1951-52
167-170 Rajendra Prasad view
i-ii P.V. Kane, H.D. Velankar view

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