cover image: The Popular Edition. Asiatic Researches; or  Transactions of the Society  Instituted in Bengal  for Enquiring into the History and Antiquities  the Arts  Sciences  and Literature  of Asia

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The Popular Edition. Asiatic Researches; or Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal for Enquiring into the History and Antiquities the Arts Sciences and Literature of Asia


Caspian lake from the opposite shore of which follow the course of the J aikun' and the chain of Caucsean hills as far as those of Luaus ; whence continue the line beyond the Chinese wall to the White Mountain and the country of Yetso ; skirting the borders of Persia India Chiva Corea but including part 'of Russia with all the districts which lie between the Glacial sea and that of Ja [...] we learn that the Massagetce worshipped the sun ; and the narrative of an embassy from JUSTIN to the Kluarin or Emperor who then resided in a fine vale near the source of the Irtish mentions the Tartarian ceremony of purifying the Roman Ambassadors by conducting them between two fires the Tartars of that age are represented as adorers of the four elements and blivers in an invisible spirit [...] He had at my request translated into Pildavi42 THE SIXTH DISCOURSE the fine inscription exhibited in the GudistO on the diadem of CYRUS ; and I had the patience to read the list of words from the Pdzend in the appendix to the Faritangi Jendnglri : this examintion gave me perfect conviction that thp Pahlavi was a dialect of the Chaldaic ; and of this curious fact I will exhibit a short proof [...] Such in part (for I omit the minuter and more subtil metaphysics of the Sigis which are mentioned in the Daitan) is the wild and enthusiastic religion of the modern Persian poets especially of the sweet HA'FIZ and the greatqllfaulavi : such is the system of the Vedanti philosophers and best lyrk poets of India ; and as it was a system of the highest antiquity in both rations it may be added [...] AFGHANS from the JEWS: HE Afgheins according to their own traditions are the posterity of MELIC TA'LU'T (king SAUL) who in the opinion of some was a descendant of JUDAH the son of JACOB and according to others of BENJAMIN the brother of PSSEPIL In a war which raged between the children of Israel and the Amalekites the latter being victorious plundered the Jews and otained possession
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
1-4 unknown view
I. The Fourth Anniversary Discourse Delivered 15th February 1787
5-17 unknown view
II. The Fifth Anniversary Discourse Delivered 21st February 1788
18-34 unknown view
III. The Sixth Discourse; on the Persians Delivered 19th February 1789
35-53 unknown view
IV. A Letter from the late Henry Vansittart Esq. to the President
54-61 unknown view
V. Remarks on the Island of Hinzuan or Johanna. by the President
62-85 unknown view
VI. On the Baya or Indian Gross-Beak
86-87 Athar Khan view
VII. On the Chronology df the Hindus. Written in January 1788
88-114 the President view
VIII. On the Cure of the Elephantiasis
115-121 Athar Khan view
IX. On the Indian Game of Chess
122-127 The President view
X. Two Inscriptions from the Vindhya Mountains
128-129 Charles Wilkins view
XI. A Description of Asa’m
130-140 Mohammed Cazim view
XII. On the Manners Religion and Laws of the Cuci’s or Mountaineers of Tipra.—Communicated in Persian
141-146 John Rarlines view
XIII. On the Second Classical Book of the Chinese
147-156 The President view
XIV. A Table
157-174 unknown view
XV. On the Astronomical Computations of the Hindus
175-226 Samuel Davis view
XVI. On the Antiquity of the Indian Zodiac
227-240 The President view
XVII. An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal
241-253 Giusepee view
XVIII. On the Cure of Persons Bitten by Snakes
254-258 John Willams view
XIX. On Some Roman Coins Found at Nelore
259-260 The President view
XX. On Two Hindu Festivals and the Indian Sphink
261-263 unknown view
XXI. A short Description of Carnicobar
264-269 G. Hamilton view
XXII. The Design of a Treatise on the Plants of India
270-276 unknown view
XXIII. On the Dissection of the Pangolin in a Letter to General Carnac from Adam Burt Esq
277-281 unknown view
XXIV. On the Lacsha or Lac Insect
282-284 unknown view
XXV. The Seventh Anniversary Discourses Delivered 25 February 1790
285-298 unknown view
XXVI. The Translation of an Inscription in the Maga Language Engraved on a Silver Plate Found in a Cave near ISLA‘MABAD
299-302 unknown view
XXVII. A Supplement to the Essay on Indian Chronology
303-314 unknown view
XXVIII. On the Spikenard of the Ancients
315-326 unknown view
Appendix. a Meteorological Diary Kept at Calcutta by Henry Trail Esq from 1st February 1784 to 31st December 1785
327-398 unknown view

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