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The History of India for Junior Classes


I think I will tell you the names of some Aborigines—the Andaman Islanders the Hillmen of Madras the Bhils the Gonds Juan gs of Orissa the Akas of Assam the Sontals and the Kandhs. [...] The Brahmans were the priests ; the Kshattriyas were the warriors ; the Vaisyas were the farmers ; and the Sudras were the servants and slaves to the other three classes. [...] He studied the history of the Muhammadans in India and from it he learnt that the Hindus were a peaceful and the Muhammadans a restless people. [...] He got an idea that he was a second Muhammad the Lord of the Period." But it is Akbar's reform in the collection of the revenues of his empire that have aded to his fame Before his reign it had been the practice for the Governors of the different districts to gather the taxes of their own Province pay themselves and their army and then send the balance to the Emperor at Delhi Akbar und [...] The Downfall of the Mughal Empire.— Of the provinces that had been conquered by the Mughals the Deccan and Oudh were the first to free themselves from the Delhi Court.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-iv Herbert Stark view
i-iii Herbert Stark view
Chapter I.
1-4 Herbert Stark view
Chapter II.
5-7 Herbert Stark view
Chapter III.
8-9 Herbert Stark view
Chapter IV.
10-11 Herbert Stark view
Chapter V. Early Muhammadan Conquerors
12-15 Herbert Stark view
Chapter VIII
15-18 Herbert Stark view
Chapter IX. The Mughal Dynasty 1526-1761
19-34 Herbert Stark view
Chapter X. The Marathas 1650-1818
35-41 Herbert Stark view
Chapter XI. Early European Settlements
41-47 Herbert Stark view
Chapter XII. Clive
48-54 Herbert Stark view
Chapter XIII. The Governors-General of India
55-59 Herbert Stark view
Chapter XII. The Consolidation of British India
60-70 Herbert Stark view
Chapter XIV. The Viceitoys of India
71-73 Herbert Stark view
Chapter XIV. Conclusion
73-74 Herbert Stark view
i-iii Herbert Stark view

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