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The Philosophy of the Upanishads


BRAHMAN AS CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. 180-201 1. Introduction to the Cosmology 180 2. The creation of the Universe and the Doctrine of the Atman 182 3. The Creation of Inorganic Nature. 186 4. Organic Nature 195 5. The Sour of the Unirse (HiravAgarbha Brahman). 198 VII. [...] THE UNREALITY OF THE UNIVERSE 226-239 1. The 'Doctrine of Maya as the Basis of all Philosophy. 226 2. The Doctrine of Maya in the Upanishads. 228 3. The Doctrine of Tly a. as it is presented under empirical Forms X. THE ORIGIN OF THE SIS;KHYA SYSTEM. l 239-255 1. Brief Survey of the Doctrine of the Safiklya 239 2. Origin of Dualism Origin of the Evolutionary Series. 246 4. Origin of the [...] among the Aitareyins the matter of the BrAhmana extends into the Aranyaka while with the Taittiriyakas the close of the BrAlimana and the beginning of the Aranyaka agree throughout and the dividing line is entirely arbitrary. [...] Here the.fOrmer pronounces iadequtte the comprehensive Vedic learning of the Braman with the words : " all that you have studied is merely name." 2 Finally the leading text of the doctrine of the soul's transmigration which is extant in three different recensions 3 is propounded in the form of an instruction given to A_runi by the king Pravahana Jaivali." The king here says to the Brahma [...] 9. 7."22 THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE UPANISHADS.tradition by interpreting the latter (in the Áranyakas) in the spirit of the ittman doctrine ; and thus the adherents of the Rigveda brought it into connection with the ?a:thaw (hymn) those of the Samaveda with the saman and those of the Yajurveda with the sacrifice.especially the horse-sacrifice as being its highest form.
philosophy religion
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United Kingdom
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Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii unknown view
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Upanishads
1-53 unknown view
First Part of the System of the Upanishads
54-179 unknown view
Second Part of the System of the Upanishads
180-255 unknown view
Third Part of the System of the Upanishads
256-312 unknown view
Fourth Part of the System of the Upanishads
313-412 unknown view
413-429 unknown view
i-14 unknown view

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