cover image: india as Known to Panini (A Study of the Cultural Material in the Ashtadbhyayi)


india as Known to Panini (A Study of the Cultural Material in the Ashtadbhyayi)


It is due at once to the antiquity of Pinini's evidence its definite and authoritative character as reliable as the history of India based upon epigraphic and numismatic records and also to the singular fact in Sanskrit literature that the Ashpidhydyi is the work of an individual author (like its commentary the Mahlbhishya) and not the accumulated result of additions made to it from time to time [...] This lends support to the tradition that Pinini of the Daksha gotra was born at galitura which lay a few miles to the north of the confluence of the Kabul with the Indus river. [...] His recording of the differences in the accentuation of names of wells situated on the right and left banks of the river Beas is a true pointer to his painstaking method on which the author of the Kersik.a oserves: 'the Sittrakara was endowed with deep and subtle insight.' f[sk-kfkrwr Tr2I ct.1 te4 (IV.2.74). [...] Pinini's travels in search of facts from the living language and the method of personal discussion and interrogation to elicit information were in the manner of the true Takshaiili style which was marked by a practical bias in the pursuit of academic studies. [...] I and after discussing at length all the known verses assigned to Pinini dismisses the theory of his authorship in these words: The fact that Pinini as a poet is nowhere mentioned in the Mahcibheishya or in any of the later first-rate works of the Pinini school and that annotators and commentators have raced their brains to explain away ungrammatical forms instead of regarding the uses in the I
philosophy religion

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Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xx V.S. Agarwala view
Chapter I. Panini : His Life and Work
1-33 unknown view
Chapter II. Geographical Data
34-74 unknown view
Chapter III. Social Life
75-193 unknown view
Chapter IV. Economic Conditions
194-279 unknown view
Chapter V. Education Learning and Literature
280-355 unknown view
Chapter VI. Religion
356-397 unknown view
Chapter VII. Polity and Administration
398-454 unknown view
Chapter VIII. Chronological Considerations
455-476 unknown view
Appendix I
477-491 unknown view
Appendix II
492-512 unknown view
Key to Plate Showing Punch-Marked Coins
513-i unknown view
515-iii unknown view

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