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Is India Civilized? Essays on Indian Culture


I have written from the standpoint of the Vedanta as interpreted by the Shakta Agama the principles of which effect a wonderful synthesis through its " enjomenliberation " (Bhukti-mukti) doctrine. of the claims of the World and of the Spirit the dual aspects of That which is in Itself One. [...] Nothing but ill is achieved by: the commonly adopted position which in the face of the facts ignores on f-ie one hand the grave faults in our Western civilization and on the other the merits of the outlook on life which is that of the Indian tradition. [...] Religion in its highest form consists in union with the Good " (Shiva) or God in both His and Her aspects ; that is by identification in Virabhava of the individual self with the totality of selves with the cosmic process and then with its Lord which is known as the gross union of feeling (SthOla Samarasya) in the world of a World-form with the WorlLord (Shivo'ham—I am Shiv;) ; and the su [...] An American writer says that it is an enlightening commentary upon the difficulties to be met in the evolution of the freedom of the individual to read the Report of the Society of Comparative Legilation upon the Legislation of the British Empire. [...] 26" II EAST AND WEST ONE of the oldest of problems i the conflict between East and West which is now becoming more acute owing to the growth of populations increased communcation a closer contact of cultures growth of knowledge economic questions the assertion of the Asiatic Consciousness the intensity of the struggle for life and other causes.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xlii Woodroffe view
I Civilization and Progress
1-26 unknown view
II East and West
27-42 unknown view
III What is Culture?
43-64 unknown view
IV Conflict of Cultures
65-112 unknown view
V Competition Concert Sacrifice
113-121 unknown view
VI Cultural Attack on India
122-129 unknown view
VII An Example
130-173 unknown view
VIII A Reply
174-225 unknown view
IX Bharata Dharma and the Common Principles of Indian Civilization
226-267 unknown view
X Brahmanism
268-283 unknown view
XI Self-Expression
284-321 unknown view
XII Sangskara as the Root of Indian Culture
322-343 unknown view
XIII Some Conclusions
344-372 unknown view

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