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Education and Citizenship in India


But the coclusion of his theologizing may be nothing but the clear recognition of the futility of action of the indifference of the Universal Soul to morality of the wisdom of accepting without a struggle the whole of one's instincts and passions as one finds them. [...] Such statistics in all countries are most misleading ; as changes in the figures may be the consequence not of changes in actual criminality but of changes in the law in the methods and personnel of the magistrates and police and in postal telegraphic and railway communications ; though changes in the moral standards of the classes who aid or hinder the administrators of the law count also [...] The speech of the teacher is silvern but the silence of the recluse is golden ; the good deeds of the philanthropist are meritorious but the absolute passivity and inactivity of the hermit are the true marks of the divine. [...] The same metaphysical bias that weakens the belief in the reality of the external material world would seem also to weaken the belief in the binding force the fixity the sanctity of the external ties of duty—save only (and most strangely) the external ties of that cramping code of petty reglations that forms the essence of Caste. [...] But the journey is long and the task so hard that even the most earnest of striving souls can scarcely hope to attain to this perfeI Now our whole English civilization our whole idea of the reality of the world and the rationality of the universe our whole conception of prpgress is rooted in the thought that personality the efforts of individuality the desire and the will to live is a g
Published in
United States
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-viii Leonard Alston view
Chapter I
1-13 unknown view
Chapter II
14-56 unknown view
Chapter III
57-109 unknown view
Chapter IV
110-143 unknown view
Chapter V
144-218 unknown view
219-222 unknown view
i-iv unknown view

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