cover image: The Trial of Shama Charan Pal. An Illustration of Village Life in Bengal

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The Trial of Shama Charan Pal. An Illustration of Village Life in Bengal


Manomohan Ghose giving the circumstances in which he undertook the defence of the accused and explaining the excited state of public feeling in the locality 1./1 re the crime was committed. [...] The report of a trial may be tedious in its necessary repetitions but it is obviously the best method of getting hold of the unvarnished truth in a particular c ase and it is hoped that a glossary of Bengali terms r in the present instance remove one of the obstacles which generally lie in the path of the English reader. [...] The office is honorary and is generally given to persons of some importance in the village but the duties are such as often to cause friction and in the present case the villagers had actually petitioned against the Panchayets. [...] Information of AM had happened was then carried to the Police Station of Domjore by Panda and Uday the Chaukidar of the village and the Sub-Inspector Rasik Lal Bose came to the village the same evening. [...] Pandu then went and breaking through a bamboo fence in the verandah of the baitakkhana hie went through the verandah and round through the door to the west of the baitakkhana and so round into the yard to the south of the house.
Published in
United Kingdom
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xvi unknown view
Howrah Sessions Court
1-22 unknown view
Second Day
22-73 unknown view
Medical Evidence
73-103 unknown view
Examination of the Accused
103-116 unknown view
Summary of the Address of the Government Pleader
117-133 unknown view
Address of the Counsel for the Defence
133-188 unknown view
The Judge’s Charge to the Jury
189-205 unknown view
Note by the Counsel for the Defence
206-213 unknown view
214-264 unknown view

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