cover image: India. A Reference Annual  1953

Premium 20.500.12592/sg2624

India. A Reference Annual 1953


The judges of a high court are appointed by the President of India in consultation with the Chief Justice of India and the Governor of the State and in the case of appointment of a judge other than the Chief Justice the Chief Justice of the high court concerned. [...] FINANCIAL AND OTHER PROVISIONS Finance Commission Provision was made in the Constitution for the setting up of a Finance Commission to make recommendations to the President as to the distribtion between the Centre and the units of the net proceeds of certain taxes (like the income-tax excise duties some export duties etc.) and the allocation between the States of the respective share of suck [...] The only provisions for the amenment of which ratification by the legislatures of not less than one-half of the States has also been prescribed relate to the Supreme Court and high courts the distribution of legislative powers between the Centre and the States the three legislative lists the representation of the States in Parliament and the procedure for an amendment of the Constitution. [...] Thy name rouses the hearts of the Punjab Sind Gujarat and Maratta of the Dravid and Orissa and Bengal ; it echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas auxi Himalayas mingles in the music of the Ganges and Jamuna and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. [...] They were a three-tiered process : (i) the election of the President and the Vice-President ; (ii) the election of the members of the lower houses at the Centre and in the States ; and (iii) the election of the members of the upper houses.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-xiii Research and Reference Division view
Chapter.I Land and People
1-13 unknown view
Chapter.II Constitution
14-23 unknown view
Chapter.III National Symbols
24-26 unknown view
Chapter.IV Elections
27-160 unknown view
Chapter.V Union and State Governments
161-172 unknown view
Chapter.VI Judicial System
173-178 unknown view
Chapter.VII Public Services
179-183 unknown view
Chapter.VIII Defence Services
184-187 unknown view
Chapter.IX Finance
188-200 unknown view
Chapter.X Five Year Plan
201-206 unknown view
Chapter.XI Power and Irrigation
207-220 unknown view
Chapter.XII Scientific Research
221-226 unknown view
Chapter.XIII Industry
227-239 unknown view
Chapter.XIV Commerce
240-244 unknown view
Chapter.XV Agriculture
245-259 unknown view
Chapter.XVI Community Projects
260-264 unknown view
Chapter.XVII Co-Operative Movement
265-269 unknown view
Chapter.XVIII Education
270-282 unknown view
Chapter.XIX Health
283-297 unknown view
Chapter.XX Labour
298-305 unknown view
Chapter.XXI Social Security
306-314 unknown view
Chapter.XXII Press Films and Broadcasting
315-320 unknown view
Chapter.XXIII Transport
321-328 unknown view
Chapter.XXIV Postal Services
329-335 unknown view
Chapter.XXV Rehabilitation
336-348 unknown view
Chapter.XXVI Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes And Backward Classes
349-358 unknown view
Chapter.XXVII State Governments
359-377 unknown view
Chapter.XXVIII Sports(1951-52)
378-388 unknown view
Chapter.XXIX Chronicle of Events
389-394 unknown view
Chapter.XXX Laws of the Year
395-399 unknown view
Chapter.XXXI General Information
400-420 unknown view
421-ix unknown view

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