cover image: Administration Report of the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services for 1927  Ceylon

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Administration Report of the Director of Medical and Sanitary Services for 1927 Ceylon


Prevalence of Sickness in the different Seasons of the Year.—Generally speaking the health of the people is better in the dry months than in the wet months during which the soutwest and rth-east monsoons prevail. [...] Relative Mortality of the different Seasons.—As stated in the last paragraph the wet months are less healthy than the dry months and the monthly mortality figures for the past three years show that fewer deaths occur in each of the comparatively dry months of April May and September than in each of the other months. [...] There were two particularly bad epidemics of malarial fever during the year both in the last two months of the year-onu in the North-Western Province and one in the Central Province in the Paldeniya and Galagedara districts.
technology medicine science
Published in
Sri Lanka
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
1-4 J.F.E Bridger view
5-6 J.F.E Bridger view
Public Health
7-14 J.F.E Bridger view
Hygiene and Sanitation
14-31 J.F.E Bridger view
Port Health Work and Administration
31-32 J.F.E Bridger view
Maternity and Child Welfare
32-34 J.F.E Bridger view
Hospitals Dispensaries and Venereal Clinics
34-39 J.F.E Bridger view
Prisons and Asylums
39-42 J.F.E Bridger view
42-42 J.F.E Bridger view
42-45 J.F.E Bridger view
45-49 J.F.E Bridger view
50-101 J.F.E Bridger view
Tables and Returns
102-123 J.F.E Bridger view

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