cover image: Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government(No. CCCCXXV - New Series) Papers Relating to the Revision Survey Settlement of the Chorasi Taluka of the Surat Collectorate



Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government(No. CCCCXXV - New Series) Papers Relating to the Revision Survey Settlement of the Chorasi Taluka of the Surat Collectorate


The sea washes a few miles of the north-west and in other directions the boundary lies adjacent to the Portuguese or Daman frontier except for a short distance in the south where the Daman Gunga river separates it from the Ddhinu taluka of the Thalia Collectorate. [...] The only new road is that made in 1896 at the expense of the late Bai Mothibai Widia a lady famed for her munificence to connect Udvada Station with the village of Udvada the landing place of the first Pardi refugees in India and the home of the chief fire temple of the community. [...] There is no fixed rule with regard to the payment of assessment the demand is met either by the lessee or the registered occupant according to the terms of the agreement on which the land is leased. [...] The high prices ruling for this and other commodities except kodra for some years before the introduction of - the survey lease were the effect of the unsettled period of great speculation at the time and following the close of the American War. [...] The following abstract of Appendix Q shows the result of the appli-- Result of the application cation of the proposed rates to all Government occpf the proposed rates.
government politics public policy
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SARF Document ID
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i-ii unknown view
Index to the Coeeespondenue Relatating to the Rivision Survey Settlement of the Government Villages of the Pardi Taluka of the Sueat Collectorate
iii-12 W.S. Cole view
13-72 unknown view