cover image: Indian Sugar  November 1953

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Indian Sugar November 1953


In a matter of this kind the Board should not be guided by mere revenue considerations or by the conditions obtaining in other commodities regardless of the peculiar conditions of the sugar industry and the interests of the millions of growers involved. [...] And if the price of cane is again reduced which to us seems the only alternative in the face of the increased freight rates it will do away with whatever good the increase in the cane price has resulted in and will affect the cane supplies to the mills from the outside centres. [...] Although the total production of sugar had fallen from 14.83 lakh tons to 13.16 lakh tons the output of the Deccan factories during 1952-53 was on the whole satisfactory in spite of insufficient water in the canals and the diversion of local cultivators' cane for the manufacture of gur. [...] A slight rise in the level of each effect results in a stoppage of the entire juice flow to the evaporator until the syrup has reached the proper density when the three-way valve diverts back to the syrup tank and restores the normal flow of syrup to the evaportor. [...] Futher the examination of the curve has revealed that the rates of drop are comparatively higher in the earlier part of the season compared to those in the latter.
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
341-342 J.S. Mehta view
343-348 J.S. Mehta view
Sugar Technologe
349-350 J.S. Mehta view
Sugarcane & its Problems
351-358 J.S. Mehta view
Sugar Confectionery
359-364 Thomas Downey view
Sugar Abroad
365-366 J.S. Mehta view
367-370 J.S. Mehta view
Company Affairs
371-372 J.S. Mehta view
373-382 J.S. Mehta view

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