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Indian Sugar October 1953


As the major portion of cane acreage is confined to the States of U. P. and Bihar where sugar is the major industry the responsibility of the two State Governments in increasing the yield of sugarcane is quite obvious. [...] The Minister expressed the hope that the measure would help to improve the condition of the growers and encourage the sugar industry in the state. [...] But the need for fully utilising the visit of the Agricultural Inspector to the selected villages the poor conditions of communication between villages the difficulties involved in transporting canes from far-off villages to the factory weighbridges would all appear to indicate that two fields per village would be the optimum allocation within a stratum for which the number of villages to be se [...] October 1953 INDIAN SUGAR 305 From the St dr tes Sugar Industry in the Deccan Sri Gulabchand criticises Bombay Government's Policy In the course of his address at the 10th Annual Covention of the Deccan Sugar Technologists' Association Shri Gulabchand Hirachand President of the Association referred to the difficulty of the sugar factories in Bombay in regard to supply of water and criticis [...] The higher the conversion the higher the sugars and the lower the dextrienes while the lower the conversion the reverse becomes the relation of these components.
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
289-290 J. S. Mehta view
291-294 J. S. Mehta view
Sugarcane & its Problems
295-300 K. L. Khanna, R. C. Acharya, J. P. Pandey view
Subsidaary Industries
301-304 G. Ramchander view
From the States
305-306 J. S. Mehta view
Sugar Confectionery
307-316 Harry Fischer, Jhon Krno view
317-319 J. S. Mehta view
Book Review
320-320 J. S. Mehta view
Letter to the Editor
321-321 J. S. Mehta view
Company Affairs
322-322 J. S. Mehta view
Government Notifications Legislative Enactments etc.
323-330 J. S. Mehta view
331-340 J. S. Mehta view

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