cover image: Indian Sugar  June 1953


Indian Sugar June 1953


Reduction of Import Duty on Sugar The Government of India in the Ministry of Comerce and Industry have issued a press note on the 22nd June 1953 stating that in view of the tendency of sugar prices to rise they had decided to allow the import of sugar from abroad and to reduce the import duty on sugar from Rs. [...] Matadin Khaitan in the course of his presidential speech assured the Government of India of the loyal co-operation of the sugar merchants to bring down the price of sugar. [...] Besides the conference has also made a number of suggestions to the State and the Central Governments regarding the steps to be taken for the development of the palm gur industry in the country. [...] In the case of income-tax the number of assessees on the register of the Income-tax Deparment of the Government of India on March 31 1952 was only 885 399 although India has a total population of 360 millions. [...] Another matter which should engage the attention of the Taxation Enquiry Commission is the multiplicity of taxes which the industry has to pay to different authrities notwithstanding the fact that the sugar industry is a central subject and comes within the purview of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act 1951 of the Government of India.
commerce industry
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
95-96 J. S. Mehta view
97-100 J. S. Mehta view
Sugar Industry and Taxation Policy
101-iii J. S. Mehta view
Sugarcane & its Problems
103-106 Pratap Cheema view
Sugar Technology
107-114 R. S. Dubey, S. S. Mavi view
Sugar Confectionery
115-120 Ernest Clyne view
Sugar Abroad
123-124 J. S. Mehta view
125-128 J. S. Mehta view
Company Affairs
129-130 J. S. Mehta view
131-140 J. S. Mehta view

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