cover image: Indian Sugar  March 1953

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Indian Sugar March 1953


The fellow will be put to one of the problems of the factories which have donated the fellowship or to any of the general problems of the industry. [...] The selection of candidates for award of the felloship and choice of the problems will be made by a comittee consisting of the donor the Director Sugarcane Research and Development Pusa and the Development Secretary of the Bihar Government. [...] The Bill seeks to increase the cess on sugarcane by 3 pies per maund with retrospective effect from the 1st October 1952 in order to make good the loss in the income of the State Government caused by the exemption of the Canegrowers' Co-operative Societies from the operation of the Bihar Finance Act 1950. [...] From the speeches of some members on the floor of the House at the time of the consideration of the Bill as reported in the Press it appears that the members evinced considerable interest in the matter but unfortunately most of them mentioned things which are far from being correct. [...] From the data of the uptake per ton of cane and per ton of sugar it would be obvious that the efficiency of these higher proportions of P205 is greater than in the 2 : 1 ratio of N P. Conclusion : Although from the standpoint of actual absortion of 13205 by the plant the requirement of phophate is less than that of other major nutrients it is necessary to apply large quantities of phosphat
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
ix-x J.S. Mehta view
Export of Sugar Confectionery
533-534 J.S. Mehta view
535-538 J.S. Mehta view
Sugar Industry in Bihar
539-540 C.J. Mehta view
Sugarcane & its Problems
541-548 C.J. Mehta view
Sugar Confectionery
549-554 C.J. Mehta view
Sugar Abroad
555-560 C.J. Mehta view
561-562 C.J. Mehta view
Letter to the Editor
563-563 C.J. Mehta view
Company Affairs
564-i C.J. Mehta view
565-572 C.J. Mehta view
1-4 C.J. Mehta view

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