At the close of the last season the factories were left with a total physical stock of about 5 lakh tons to be carried forward to the next year which is unprecdented in the history of the modern sugar industry in the country. [...] The press note stated that this was attributed to reluctance on the part of the trade to enter into fresh commitments in view of an anticipated fall in the price of the commodity and that this not only resulted in creating storage diffculties for the sugar mills but also in the stocks in the consuming centres running low. [...] In this connection it is necessary to draw the attetion of the Central as well as Uttar Pradesh Government to an alarming feature in the industry located in the Western Zone of the U. P. which is the largest single sugar producing zone in the country. [...] The sugar industry is the second largest in the country and the contribution that it has been able to make to the economy of the country has been significant. [...] The working of mixed ecnomy as in our country must be a merger of the valuable features of controlled economy and free economy so that the restrictive effects of the one do not vitiate the reslience of the other.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 139
- Published in
- India
- SARF Document ID
- sarf.120241
Segment | Pages | Author | Actions |
v-vi | J.S. Mehta | view |
403-404 | J.S. Mehta | view |
Sugar Industry—a Survey of its Present Problems
405-414 | R.P. Nevatia | view |
Private Enterprise and Industrial Development
415-418 | S.P. Jain | view |
Efficiency in Sugar Industry—Suggestions for Improvement
419-424 | Surendra Majithia | view |
The Theory of Excise Duty in Relation to Sugar Industry
425-i | K.M. Purkayastha | view |
Sugar Industry under the Five Year Plan
427-i | K.M. Purkayastha | view |
Company Law Amendments
431-436 | J.S. Mehta | view |
437-442 | J.S. Mehta | view |
Scientific and Technological Problems of the Indian Sugar Industry
443-452 | S.N. Rao | view |
The Electrical Cane juice Clarification process and its maiden run at the Experimental Sugar Factory of the Indian Institute of Sugar Technology Kanpur
453-462 | Dhirendra Ghosh | view |
“Scientific Problems of Sugar Industry'”
463-470 | Behari Mathur | view |
“Certain Recent Aspects of Sugarcane Research at Coimbatore”
471-i | N.L. Dutt | view |
Some Aspects of Sugarcane Breeding as Practised in Coimbatore
475-480 | T.S. Raghavan | view |
‘Eye Spot Disease of Sugarcane’
481-486 | Kirti kar, D.R. Singh | view |
Red Rot of Sugarcane and its Control
487-i | N.C. Joshi | view |
Problems of Indian Confectionery Industry
489-492 | D. Allerton | view |
Effects of Invert Sugar in Confectionery Products
493-496 | J.S. Mehta | view |
World Sugar Position
497-498 | J.S. Mehta | view |
Power Alcohol Industry
499-502 | R.P. Sinha | view |
Programme for Development of Power Alcohol Industry under the Five Year Plan
503-i | R.P. Sinha | view |
Sugar Industry’s Contribution to Cane Cultivation in Maharashtra
509-512 | Gulabchand Hirachand | view |
Sugar Industry in West Bengal
513-513 | J.S. Mehta | view |
Bonus Payment to Sugar Factories Labour in U.P.
514-518 | J.S. Mehta | view |
Technical Efficiency of Indian Sugar Factories
519-520 | J.S. Mehta | view |
Book Review
521-522 | J.S. Mehta | view |
Company Affairs
523-523 | J.S. Mehta | view |
524-532 | J.S. Mehta | view |