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Independent India 19th December 1937


The Congress is of the opinion that the New Constitution was framed with the object of reinforcing the imperialist domination of India. [...] For the essential function of a trade-union is to secure the largest possible cooncessions for the workers within the framework of the capitalist system of production. [...] In other words the object of the Soviet diplomacy was to exploit the revolutionary possibilities of the disturbed conditionslof Germany in the years after the war. [...] The peasant proprietor is the pride of any country ; the decayof that class necessarily leads to a weakening of the moral fibre of society." The census reports show that the number of landless agriculturists is rapidly inc;easing. [...] But when that earlier achievement of human progress is in the danger of being destroyed by counter-revolution then the defence of parliamentary democracy becomes the paramount task of the proletariat Socialism and workers' democracy are to be built on the foundation of industrial progress and relative political freedom laid in consequence of the victory of the bourgeois revolution.
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Independent India 19th December 1937
1-16 M.N. Roy view

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