cover image: Independent India  March 20  1949



Independent India March 20 1949


The ignorance and the backwardness of the Indian people make the danger all the more real and certain. [...] The periodic ups and downs the regularity of booms and depressions in the economic sphere has already for some time focussed the attention of many on the fUndamentals of economic organisation. [...] In the nineteenth century the challenge expressed itself in the process of throwing overboard one after another the doctrines of the classical school; in the twentieth it took the form of the conflicts between the so-called haves and the have-not nations. [...] The call' to the workers of the world to unite contained within it the possibilities of restoring economic activity to its original purpose of serving the ends of man rather than those of some men. [...] " SERVED THEM RIGHT " will be the verdict of the country as soon as the Goernment of West Bengal announces that the women were supected to be Communists."—(Emphasis Behar Herald's) SOME VITAL QUESTIONS In the course of ahis speech in the Indian Parliament on demands for the 'External Affairs and Cgmmonwealth Relations Ministry Pancli Nehru spoke at length on the application of Mahatma Gandh
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Independent India March 20 1949
121-132 M.N. Roy view

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