cover image: Independent India  February 27  1949



Independent India February 27 1949


INDO-AMERICAN RELATIONS THE Indian Ambassador to the United States of AmeriCa is shortly returnifig to India to as’sun the post of the Goernor of the Reserve Bank. [...] Until it does it is only to a limited extent that we can replace old machinery for the most modern practice and the mass production which this involves." INDUSTRIAL REHABILITATION OF GERMANY ACCORDING to the law on the reorganisation of the German coal iron and steel industries promulgated by the British and American Military Governors the exercise of ownership of the three industries until no [...] The purpose of the Corpmittee is to determine the principles which should guide the fixation of a fair wage and to devise a machinery for ensuring it to the workers. [...] Provision of a fair wage to labour was one of the essel conditions of the industrial truce that capital and labour accepted towards the end of 1947 at the instance of the.Government of India. [...] It is hoped that the final conclusions and the report of the Comittee will be ready by the middle of the month.
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Independent India February 27 1949
85-96 M.N. Roy view

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