cover image: Independent India  February 20  1949



Independent India February 20 1949


made by the chief of one of the most independent judi ciarirs of the world deserve to be noticed by the Indian public and in particular by those who are in charge of the executive and legislative organs of the government. [...] I may bring to the notice of the Central Government the slackness of the police in the investigation of the case during the period between January 20 and 30 1948. [...] It is idle to think of taking to the proper path indiated by the moral core of the teachings of the Mahatma unless the essence of his teachings is rescued from the clutches of this itolerant totalitarian anti-human ideology. [...] As a matter of fact the recognition of the indivsibility of peace and prosperity implies the acceptance of the existence of such a harmony. [...] Amongst those who responded to the invitation from the side of the Administration were the Deputy General Manager the Chief Mechanical Engineer and the Secretary to the General Manager.
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Independent India February 20 1949
73-84 M.N. Roy view

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