cover image: Independent India  January 23  1949



Independent India January 23 1949


We hardly ever hear of the sons of the soil of the millions of the native African population and of their inhuman exploitation at the hands of all settlers European as well as Indian.** Indians should not forget that their brethren who have sgttled down in Africa are also a party and not a minor party at that to the inhuman exploitation of the peoples of Africa. [...] The too often repeated claims regarding the uniqueness and superiority of the Soviet system the never-ending exhortations to zeal in serving the State and the frequent denunciations even by leaders of a slavish admiration for foreign ways or wares by part of the SoViet populatibn are straws in the wind indicaing dissent or fear of dissent. [...] A source of estrangement between the authorities and the public is the extremely high priority given to the interests of the State as against those of the individual. [...] Some of these aspects of the post-war let-down were reflected in Soviet literature in the closing phases of the war and the first months of the post-war period. [...] It is most regrettable that anyone and more particularly any advocate should thus intervene in a pending case and endeavour to influence the mind of a superior magistrate by ex-parte statments and by casting aspersions on the capacity of the presiing officer of the court in session of the case." Disapproving the refusal of the Government to produce the letter that Mr.
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Independent India January 23 1949
25-36 M.N. Roy view

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