cover image: Independent India  January 16  1949



Independent India January 16 1949


PIOUS DECLARATION ? THE most reassuring remark that the Governor-General made in the course of his many speeches was the declaration that it was not the intention of the Government of India to stabilise prices. [...] We wonder why the two Governments should not follow that course in the interest of the peace and welof the inhabitants of the State. [...] That seems to be the lesson of the history of the earlier half of the twentieth century. [...] The immediate purpose of the People's 'Committees will be to take measures for irnprov ing the lot of the people for creating an intelligent public opnion about the laws of the country and policies of the Goverment. [...] Having a commdn;rational approach (Continued on -page 24 of the totalitarian tendencies of nationalism and oppose the spirit t of militarism;' (7) Combat the evils of untouchability distinctions of caste and religion the inferior status of women in society (8) Explain the ideals and tasks of the Radical Humanist movement and develop supporters and co-workers; and (9) Publish books and per
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Independent India January 16 1949
13-24 M.N. Roy view

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