cover image: Independent India  January 9  1949



Independent India January 9 1949


The Afos to follow will be: the withdrawal of Pakistan and Indian forces the establishment of peaceful condtions in the State and a plebiscite to ascertain the will of the people on the issue of accession. [...] There too the growth in the importance and prestige k politicatioarties has taken place in the context of the complete formaliqn tint of democracy The crystallisation of the ciernqratic outlook in the institutional framework of a parliamentary democracy implied the existence of numerous defects and weaknesses. [...] What can b. expected to tackle and solve it is a comp thensive social movdment developed on the basis of the realisation of the ultimate' -]entity of the political ecoomic and moral problems and inso.-ed by a philosophy capable of stiggesting solutions of the The philosophy of " New Humanism " accepted by t ii Zadit Democrats a couple of years ago is such a philosophy. [...] It is necesary therefore to take immediate steps for the abolition of the zamindAri system and to vest the ownership of the soil in the hands of the actual cultivators. [...] not only conQentzates all powerfn the President and the 'Central The immediate solution of the impasse must therefore be found in the simultaneous organisation of small producers in agriculturExecutive but pro.vides avenues for the overthrow of the 'Coand manufacturing industry in complementary co-operative undestittrion and the assumption' of an unqualified dictatorship.
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Independent India January 9 1949
1-12 M.N. Roy view

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