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The Calcutta Review June 1952


The two series of plateaux were the areas of characterisation of the leucodermic and the xauthodermic or the western and the eastern brachycephals. [...] The (laIchas of Rarateghin are closely allied to the \Vakhis of the south hank of the Amu Maria and stand in closer relation to the Pamir group including the l'azglinlami Roshani Shignani and Ishkashmi of the valleys running eastward on the right of the river. [...] Stella writing of the indigenous population of Lou-Jan north of Lop desert and south of the Kuruk-tagh foothills says that the type of the population living in the area in the first centuries of the Christian era is of the Homo Alpinus type which "judging from my anthropometric records worked up by Mr. [...] To the east of the Pamirs the type is found up to the Nan Shan range mingling in the existing population in the northern oases along the foothills of the Tien Shan and the southern fringe of the Tarim Basin with other racial elements. [...] The practice of a fragmented burial in jars appears to have very strong Iranian association and Indus Valley is right in the path of Pisaca migration from the Iranian plateau and the Pamirs." He writes again "here it seems is the expalnation of the break in the continuity between the Indus civilisation and the arrival of the Egvedic Aryans." (C.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-vi unknown view
Indus People and Indus Religion Indus People (II)
159-173 Nanimadhab Chaudhuri view
Family Planning in India
174-180 Raghubir Chakravarti view
Physicians at the Court of Akbar
181-190 Makhanlal Chowdhury view
Politics and Ideology
191-i Vishwanath Varma view
Tamralipta—the Forgotten City of Bengal
199-210 Pareshchandra Gupta view
Round the World
211-218 unknown view
Review and Notices of Books
219-221 A.C. Karkoon view
222-223 A.C. Karkoon view
Official Notifications University of Calcutta
224-229 unknown view

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