cover image: The Calcutta Review  An Illustrated Monthly  (Third Series) May 1927

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The Calcutta Review An Illustrated Monthly (Third Series) May 1927


with the of the War the effort to establish a new court of justice wa resatnd and the creation of the Assembly and the Council of the League of Nations afforded an avenue of escape from the impaNse of 1907. [...] It was a very happy proposal of the Advisory Commission of Jurists which sat at The Hague in the summer of 1920 on the invittion of the Council of the League of Nations that the judges of a. new court should be elected by the Assembly and Council jointly. [...] Moreover the members of the old Court perform an essential office in connection with the election of judges of the new Court; acting as national groups they must nominate the candidates who in the first instance are to be voted on by the Assembly and the Council of the League of Nations in electing the judges of the new Court. [...] One of the happiest innovations of the Covenant of the League is the provision in Article 14 that the emit may give an advisory opinion upon any dispute or question referred to it by the Council or Assembly." The language of the French text seems to be more mandatory but the practice which has now become 'established has robbed the controversy about the duty of the Court to give advisory opinio [...] During the past year the Government of the United States of America sought to adhere to the potoeol of signature of the Court with various reservations the important one of which provided that without the consent of the United States the Court should not " entertain any request.
Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-i unknown view
Educational Reform
143-154 S. Radhakrishnan view
The Role of International Courts in World Society
155-174 Manley Hudson view
Hindu-Moslem Relations— A Rapid Survey
175-185 Nareshchandra Ray view
Educational Recovery of Germany and India
186-190 Taraknath Das view
Educational Reform in Bengal
191-201 Nipendra Banerji view
The Utkal and Odra Tribes
202-202 Binayak Misra view
Empiric Faith
203-218 H.D. Bhattacharyya view
Atman Versus Brahman
219-224 Chamupati view
225-235 Kalipada Mitra view
Burma and Burman Treasures
236-249 B.M. Barua view
The Current Development of International Law
250-268 Manley Hudson view
Nationalism and Imperialsim in World Politics
269-277 Taraknath Das view
278-284 unknown view

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