cover image: The Statistical Reporter  January 1876



The Statistical Reporter January 1876


The south of the sub-division again in the neighbourhood of ltowserah and Nagurbustee partakes rather of the nature of the soil of the Tajpore sub-division and the rubbee crops are there of greater importance. [...] This thana marches with the southern boundary of Mudhoobunuee for more than half its length ; it exhibits the same predominance of rico land over upland which is a distinguishing feature of the Mudhoobunnee landscape especially towards the north and east of the sub-division ; the staple productions of both regions are the same the systems of agriculture in each are identical and the people in [...] It is estimated further that threfourths of the rental of the cultivators of the Seetamurhee sub-division is liquidated by the sale of food-grain in the district. [...] With the exception of a few light and partial showers in the early days of the month the October rainfall in Bengal the Sonthal Pergunnahs and Chota Nagpore was mostly confined to the periods from the 15th to the 18th and from the 22nd to the 24th. [...] Comparison of the Rainfall in the months of September and October and of the total rainfall of the year up to the 30th of October 1875 with averages.
government politics public policy
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The Statistical Reporter January 1876
81-127 H. J. S. Cotton view
128-128 H. J. S. Cotton view