cover image: Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science  October 1953

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Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science October 1953


INTRODUCTION It is well known that the value of the permanent electric moment p. of the molecule in the liquid state calculated from the Debye equation from the observed values of e and sop the dielectric constant of the liquid for fields of zero and infinite frequencies respectively do not generally agree with the values observed in the case of the respective vapours. [...] As the volume of the rotor is inversely proportional to n according to Debye's equation the volume calculated with the smaller value of n will be much larger than that calculated taking the macroscopic viscosity in place of n. In the case of other liquids having smaller coefficient of viscosity the discrepancy between the calculated value of the volume of the rotor and the actual volume of the m [...] The relative importance of the different processes will ultimately depend on the nature of the constituent elements of the crystal and the energies of the incident radiations. [...] The reason of these shifts may be sought in the fact that while passing through the thickness of the bakelite sheet and the Afoil (total thickness of which comes out of the order of 7o mgm km') the internal conversion electrons lose a part of their energies which results in the displacements of the maxima in the curve towards the lower energy region. [...] This formula indicates that T. for any given medium is indepedent of frequency on the assumption that the dielectric strength of the medium is independent of the frequency of the applied electrical power and of the thickness of the sample.
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SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii K. Banerjee, S.K. Mitra, D.M. Bose view
Oh The Relaxation Time of Polar Molecules In The Liquid State
475-482 S.C. Sirkar view
On The Use of The Scintillation Counter as a Gamma Ray Spectrometer Using Stilbene Crystal
483-490 Sobhana Dhar, Sunil Sen view
Limit Of Interference In Optical Instruments
491-495 Amar Nigam, Yatendra Pal Varshni, Mahendra Sodha view
On The Generation of High Intensity Ultrasonic Energy and Measurement of The Output Power Density of a Quartz Crystal
496-503 T.C. Bhadra view
Calculation of The Excited Levels of Indene
504-510 S. Ramamurty view
On The Absorption Maxima Exhibited by Some Organic Liquids in The Microwave Region. I
511-519 Dilip Ghosh view
Latent Heat of Sublimation of Fifteen Salts From Spectroscopic and Thermochemical Data
520-522 Mahendra Sodha, Yatendra Pal Varshni view
The Focussing and Magnetic Analysis of a Beam From a Radio-Frequency Ion Source
523-532 A. Banerjee view
i-ii unknown view

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