cover image: Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science  June 1953

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Indian Journal of Physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science June 1953


The data reported by him further show that the radius of the rotor calculated from Debye's theory taking the macroscopic viscosity as the inner viscosity is of the order of the radius of the single molecule in the case of metand paracresols. [...] When the thermometer inserted in the liquid through the stopper of the cell indicated the proper temperature the cell was taken out and was placed in front of the tuning circuit of the detector and after tuning the circuit again the reading was noted. [...] This disturbed the condition of balance of the bridge again: But by means of the potentiometer the effect of the applicatoin of voltage froin the standard high resistance was compensated by applying a voltage in the opposite sense to the grid and the balance of the bridge restored. [...] The difference in the excited state vibational frequencies observed in the case of the two systems may also be due to the faCt that the frequencies of vibration while both the rings of the molecule are in excited states are lower than those for the first ring with the second one in the ground state. [...] The centre of the group of components in each of the two bands in the second system seems to be slightly on the shorter wavelength side of the corresponding bands observed in the case of the solid at 30°C.
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Published in
SARF Document ID
Segment Pages Author Actions
i-ii K. Banerjee, S.K. Mitra, D.M. Bose view
Absorption of U. H. F. Radio Waves in the Range 250-920 Mc/sec by Substituted Benzenes III
285-293 Dilip Ghosh view
Electrical Properties of Indian Mica. V. D. C. Resistivity
294-304 S.S. Mamdal, P.C. Mahanti view
Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Diphenyl in the Liquid and Solid States
305-310 A.R. Deb view
Classical Theory of Charged Meson
311-322 N.C. Sil view
On the Raman Spectra of Solutions of 1 2 3- Trichloropropane
323-327 T.A. Hariharan view
Measurement of Ferromagnetic Permeability at Microwave Frequencies
328-339 G.S. Sanyal, J.S. Chatterjee view
On the Solutions of Maxwell’s Equations in an Infinite Medium Etc
340-340 K.V. Prasad view

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